Thursday, October 21, 2010

Afterlife by Claudia Gray **Spoilers**

Afterlife continues Bianca and Lucas’ story. Lucas has become a Vampire and Bianca is a wraith. During the story Lucas struggles with the fact that he has become a vampire and Bianca is learning to deal with what being a wraith means. In order to help Lucas get control of his bloodlust they go back to Evernight and claim sanctuary for Lucas. Mrs. Bethany accepts him and gives him sanctuary. Although, Evernight has now set traps for the wraiths, or Mrs. Bethany has set traps to be more specific. Throughout the story Bianca and Lucas try to discover why the traps have been set and why.

I almost didn’t read this book because I didn’t really care for Hourglass. However, I am really glad that I did. I think this is the best book in the series and it had a lot more going on than in the previous books. There are more characters that are explored and relationships that show different qualities in the main characters.

I loved the way this book showed Lucas. He no longer is the knight in shinning armor for Bianca. He is vulnerable and lost as a vampire. He is forced to look into himself and redefine who he is. It was not the stereotypical male role. If anything, Bianca is Lucas’ knight in shinning armor as she loves him through his transition and unconditionally. She is the one that is there for him through everything and she is the one that keeps his emotions in check. It was a very refreshing role reversal. Bianca also becomes more assertive with herself and finds a purpose for her existence.

The ending really wrapped up all of the loose ends in the story but another book could easily be created. Thus, I'm really not sure if this is intended to be the last book in the series or if there will be more. The ending is something no one saw coming and was amazing. I give Afterlife a 5/5. Afterlife comes out in March 2011.

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