Thursday, December 27, 2012

What is New Adult?

I wanted to address a genre that I have been following for awhile now: New Adult. I believe the publishers are describing this as books geared at the 18-25 population. They are often about students in college or around the right age. However, I am 29 and find that I am strongly identifying with these books and am gravitating more and more toward those and away from YA. I think those of us that were drawn back into reading by the Twilight series or Harry Potter are looking for something a little closer to home as we mature. Thus, I have made the decision to include reviews of this genre in my blog as well. This will be a hybrid blog for both. I do want to make my readers aware that "New Adult" often contains sex and as such I am not endorsing this as a genre for younger readers. Some of the books can be quite explicit and some are more tame. I will include a statement on my reviews of these books so that parents/younger readers can be aware before they decide to pick up the book.

A little background on the genre is that it was made popular by indie authors. The likes of Tamara Webber, Jamie McGuire, Abbi Glines, etc. To my excitement (for the authors) and my dismay (for the longer waits) many of the books in this genre have recently been picked up by publishing houses and the authors have been signed for their series. Frankly, I look forward to the day when there is a "New Adult" section at my local Barnes and Nobles. I think this is an under-represented group in literature and that it has a lot of room to grow. What are your thoughts on this emerging genre?

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